Fighter Christopher Sanjose walks toward the ring during his entrance at the Midtown Throwdown III MMA exhibition
A series of images of Fighter Christopher Sanjose , who trains with Kru Thongsay Sanhtytham and Jason Georgianna of Art of War , during Midtown Throwdown 3 . a photo by Trask Bedortha on Flickr.
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Here is a sneak preview of some photographs I will have hanging at Sam Bond’s Garage as part of the Last Friday ArtWalk .
Photographs go on the wall on February 24th.
Occupier anonymous
A recent series of portraits of Occupy Eugene participants and supports that I photographed, on 4×5 film using a Graflex Speed Graphic and an Aero Ektar 178mm f2.5, for Eugene Weekly. see more after the jump or click any image to see a slideshow.
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Eugene Oregon 4j schooldistrict superintendent
ShowBoat the turkey was destined for the smokehouse, photographed outside Cottage Grove Oregon on a friends family farm.
Barber Larry Owens, shot on Fuji instant 4×5 film with the Speed Graphic and Kodak Aero Ektar 178mm f2.5 lens.
Larry Owens and Jolan Hill. Photo by Trask Bedortha.
4x5 ,
babershop ,
Eugene ,
Eugene Weekly ,
film ,
lifestyle ,
local ,
photography ,
photojournalism ,
portfolio ,
Leslie Brunk
On the street portraits from around Eugene. see more after the jump or click any image to see a slideshow.
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Kimberly Summers wears a pirate wedding gown and corset belt by Revivall Clothing’s Laura Lee Laroux
Recycled fashion shot on location at Bring Recycling Center . Hair and make-up by Allisha Craveiro and Lucy McCarville of Lishuz Lookz and Heather Taylor of Modern Elegance . You can see more from the Eugene fashion scene in the Eugene Weekly’s 2011 Fashion issue . More photos after the jump click on any image to see a slide show.
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Lifestyle and product photography for the local Lochmead Farms launch of their pint sized ice cream flavors. Continue reading ›
Made with Pummelvision:
Music by Friendly Ghost: